Contributor guide#
The purpose of this guide is to get you to the point where you can make improvements to Tax-Calculator and share them with the rest of the development team as a GitHub pull request. This document assumes that you have read Getting started and Recipes.
If the objective of your Tax-Calculator improvement is to add the ability to analyze a tax reform that cannot be analyzed using existing policy parameters, then you need to follow the steps described in this paragraph before preparing a pull request. (a) Modify Recipe 6: Analyzing a Non-Parametric Reform to analyze the kind of tax reform you want to add to the list of reforms that can be analyzed parametricly by Tax-Calculator. (b) Raise a Tax-Calculator issue in which you show your modified recipe 6 that simulates the reform and provide some numerical results that illustrate the effects of the reform. In the course of the conversation about your issue, you may be asked to prepare a pull request that would allow this reform to be analyzed using new policy parameters and associated logic. If so, follow the directions below when preparing that pull request.
We keep track of Tax-Calculator source code using the Git version control system and GitHub. We don’t expect you to be an expert Git user. Where possible, we link to Git and GitHub documentation to help with some of the unfamiliar terminology (often from this glossary of GitHub terms). Following the next steps will get you up and running and contributing to Tax-Calculator even if you’ve never used anything like Git and GitHub. But if you are unfamiliar with the concept of version control, you should read an introductory tutorial online. A good tutorial can be found here.
If you have already completed the following Setup Python and Setup Git sections, please skip to Workflow.
Setup Python#
Follow the getting started instructions.
If you are new to or have limited experience with Python, you should read some introductory tutorials available online. One such interactive tutorial is the W3 Schools’ Python Introduction.
Setup Git#
Create a free GitHub user account from the GitHub home page.
Install Git on your local computer by following the steps here.
Tell Git to remember your GitHub password by following the steps here.
Sign in to GitHub and create your own remote repository (or “repo” for short) of Tax-Calculator by clicking on Fork in the upper right corner of the Tax-Calculator GitHub page. Select your username when asked “Where should we fork this repository?”
From your command line, navigate to the directory on your computer where you would like your local repo to live.
Create a local repo by entering at the command line the text after the
character on Mac and Linux (or the>
character on Windows). This step creates a directory called Tax-Calculator in the directory that you specified in the prior step:git clone[github-username]/Tax-Calculator.git
From your command line or terminal, navigate to your local Tax-Calculator directory.
Make it easier to push your local work to others and pull others’ work to your local computer by entering at the command line:
cd Tax-Calculator git remote add upstream
Create a conda environment with all of the necessary packages to execute Tax-Calculator source code in the Tax-Calculator directory:
conda create --name taxcalc-dev
The prior command will create a conda environment called
. Activate this environment as follows:conda activate taxcalc-dev
Important Note: never conda install the taxcalc package in the taxcalc-dev environment because the taxcalc source code and the installed package may be in conflict.
To check that everything is working properly, run the following at the command line in the Tax-Calculator directory:
cd taxcalc pytest -m "not requires_pufcsv and not pre_release" -n4
If you do have a copy of the
file used by Tax-Calculator, then on the second line above omit thenot requires_pufcsv and
expression so as to executepytest -m "not pre_release" -n4
.If all the tests pass, you’re good to go. If they don’t pass, enter the following updates at the command line and then try running the tests again:
conda update conda conda env update
For more detail on Tax-Calculator testing procedures, read Testing. If the tests still don’t pass, please contact us.
If you’ve made it this far, you’ve successfully made a remote copy (a fork) of central Tax-Calculator repo. That remote repo is hosted on GitHub. You’ve also created a local repo — a clone — that lives on your computer and only you can see; you will make your changes to the Tax-Calculator by editing the files in the Tax-Calculator directory on your computer and then submitting those changes to your local repo. As a new contributor, you will push your changes from your local repo to your remote repo when you’re ready to share that work with the team.
Don’t be alarmed if the above paragraph is confusing. The following section introduces some standard Git practices and guides you through the contribution process.
The following text describes a typical workflow for changing Tax-Calculator. Different workflows may be necessary in some situations, in which case other contributors are here to help.
Before you edit the Tax-Calculator source code on your computer, make sure you have the latest version of the central Tax-Calculator repository by executing the four Git commands listed in substeps
(or alternatively by executing just substepsa
):a. Tell Git to switch to the master branch in your local repo. Navigate to your local Tax-Calculator directory and enter the following text at the command line:
git switch master
b. Download all of the content from the central Tax-Calculator repo using the Git fetch command:
git fetch upstream
c. Update your local master branch to contain the latest content of the central master branch using the Git merge command. This step ensures that you are working with the latest version of the Tax-Calculator on your computer:
git merge upstream/master
d. Push the updated master branch in your local repo to your GitHub repo using the Git push command:
git push origin master
e. As an alternative to executing substeps
, you can simply execute substepsa
. If you are working on Mac or Linux, execute these commands in the Tax-Calculator directory:git switch master ./gitsync
If you are working on Windows, execute these commands in the Tax-Calculator directory:
git switch master gitsync
Create a new branch on your local computer in the Tax-Calculator directory. Think of your branches as a way to organize your projects. If you want to work on this documentation, for example, create a separate branch for that work. If you want to change the maximum child care tax credit in the Tax-Calculator, create a different branch for that project:
git checkout -b [new-branch-name]
If your changes involve creating a new tax policy parameter, be sure to read about the Tax-Calculator Policy parameter naming and placing conventions.
As you make changes, frequently check that your changes do not violate Tax-Calculator coding style, introduce bugs, or degrade the accuracy of Tax-Calculator. To do this, run the following commands from the command line in the Tax-Calculator directory:
make cstest make pytest-cps
Consult Testing for more details.
If the tests do not pass, try to fix the problem by using the information provided by the error message. If this isn’t possible or doesn’t work, we are here to help.
Now you’re ready to commit your changes to your local repo using the commands described in this step. You need to use the Git
command only if your branch creates one or more new files that you want to include in the repository. Use the Gitstatus
command to see which files you have edited and which files are new:git status
If adding a new file, use the Git
command:git add [new-filename]
As a rule, do not add large files. If you’d like to add a file that is larger than 25 MB, please contact the other contributors and ask how to proceed.
The actual commit of code changes (and possibly new files) to your local repository is accomplished with this sort of command:
git commit -a -m "[description-of-your-commit]"
where you should replace the bracketed text inside the quotation marks with a short (no more than about 70 characters) description of your changes.
Tip: Committing often is a good idea as Git keeps a record of your changes. This means that you can always revert to a previous version of your work if you need to.
Periodically, make sure that the branch you created in step 2 is in sync with the changes other contributors are making to the central master branch by fetching upstream and merging upstream/master into your branch:
git fetch upstream git merge upstream/master
You may need to resolve conflicts that arise when another contributor changed the same section of code that you are changing. Feel free to ask other contributors for guidance if this happens to you. If you do need to fix a merge conflict, run the tests (step 4) again after fixing.
When you are ready for other team members to review your code, make your final commit and push your local branch to your remote repo:
git push origin [new-branch-name]
From the central GitHub Tax-Calculator page, open a pull request containing the changes in your local branch.
When you open a GitHub pull request, a code coverage report will be automatically generated. If your branch adds new code that is not tested, the code coverage percent will decline and the number of untested statements (“misses” in the report) will increase. If this happens, you need to add to your branch one or more tests of your newly added code. Add tests so that the number of untested statements is the same as it is on the master branch.
IMPORTANT NOTE: you can always make more changes on your local branch, commit them (step 6), and push them to your remote repo (step 7), and these changes will be automatically incorporated into your pull request.
You should now read the more detailed Pull request workflow document.
This is the end of the Contributor Guide document.