Recipe 2: Estimating Behavioral Response to Reform

Recipe 2: Estimating Behavioral Response to Reform#

This is an advanced recipe that should be followed only after mastering the basic recipe. This recipe shows how to analyze the behavioral responses to a tax reform using the Behavioral-Responses behresp package.

import sys
if 'google.colab' in sys.modules:
    !pip install -q condacolab &> /dev/null # dev/null suppresses output
    import condacolab
import taxcalc as tc
import behresp

# use publicly-available CPS input file
recs = tc.Records.cps_constructor()

# specify baseline Calculator object representing current-law policy
pol = tc.Policy()
calc1 = tc.Calculator(policy=pol, records=recs)

CYR = 2020

# calculate aggregate current-law income tax liabilities for cyr
itax_rev1 = calc1.weighted_total('iitax')

# specify Calculator object for static analysis of reform policy
calc2 = tc.Calculator(policy=pol, records=recs)

# calculate reform income tax liabilities for cyr under static assumptions
itax_rev2sa = calc2.weighted_total('iitax')

# specify assumed non-zero response-function substitution elasticity
response_elasticities = {'sub': 0.25}

# specify Calculator object for analysis of reform with behavioral responses
calc2 = tc.Calculator(policy=pol, records=recs)
_, df2br = behresp.response(calc1, calc2, response_elasticities)

# calculate reform income tax liabilities for CYR with behavioral response
itax_rev2br = (df2br['iitax'] * df2br['s006']).sum()

# print total income tax revenue estimates for CYR
# (estimates in billons of dollars)
print('{}_CURRENT_LAW_P__itax_rev($B)= {:.3f}'.format(CYR, itax_rev1 * 1e-9))
print('{}_REFORM_STATIC__itax_rev($B)= {:.3f}'.format(CYR, itax_rev2sa * 1e-9))
print('{}_REFORM_DYNAMIC_itax_rev($B)= {:.3f}'.format(CYR, itax_rev2br * 1e-9))
2020_CURRENT_LAW_P__itax_rev($B)= 756.288
2020_REFORM_STATIC__itax_rev($B)= 760.481
2020_REFORM_DYNAMIC_itax_rev($B)= 748.283

Create multi-year diagnostic tables for

  1. baseline,

  2. reform excluding behavioral responses, and

  3. reform including behavioral responses

NUM_YEARS = 3  # number of diagnostic table years beginning with CYR
dtable1 = calc1.diagnostic_table(NUM_YEARS)
dtable2 = calc2.diagnostic_table(NUM_YEARS)
dvar_list3 = list()
year_list3 = list()
for year in range(CYR, CYR + NUM_YEARS):
    _, df2br = behresp.response(calc1, calc2, response_elasticities)
dtable3 = tc.create_diagnostic_table(dvar_list3, year_list3)

Diagnostic table for baseline:

2020 2021 2022
Returns (#m) 204.480 207.080 209.660
AGI ($b) 11573.238 13174.913 13543.810
Itemizers (#m) 27.470 31.180 31.160
Itemized Deduction ($b) 745.352 862.703 881.914
Standard Deduction Filers (#m) 176.900 175.780 178.500
Standard Deduction ($b) 3080.762 3091.912 3231.365
Personal Exemption ($b) 0.000 0.000 0.000
Taxable Income ($b) 8615.433 10049.898 10332.188
Regular Tax ($b) 1497.393 1762.841 1837.363
AMT Income ($b) 10965.716 12473.893 12821.784
AMT Liability ($b) 0.541 1.446 0.659
AMT Filers (#m) 0.070 0.190 0.080
Tax before Credits ($b) 1497.933 1764.287 1838.022
Refundable Credits ($b) 655.022 827.135 98.462
Nonrefundable Credits ($b) 99.198 0.005 107.726
Reform Surtaxes ($b) 0.000 0.000 0.000
Other Taxes ($b) 12.575 13.851 14.353
Ind Income Tax ($b) 756.288 950.998 1646.188
Payroll Taxes ($b) 1217.941 1318.728 1421.579
Combined Liability ($b) 1974.229 2269.727 3067.767
With Income Tax <= 0 (#m) 135.440 127.760 96.120
With Combined Tax <= 0 (#m) 98.170 97.730 67.860
UBI Benefits ($b) 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total Benefits, Consumption Value ($b) 3617.042 3992.973 4069.559
Total Benefits Cost ($b) 3617.042 3992.973 4069.559

Diagnostic table for reform, excluding behavioral responses:

2020 2021 2022
Returns (#m) 204.480 207.080 209.660
AGI ($b) 11573.238 13174.913 13543.810
Itemizers (#m) 27.390 31.060 31.030
Itemized Deduction ($b) 742.838 859.392 878.434
Standard Deduction Filers (#m) 176.980 175.890 178.630
Standard Deduction ($b) 3082.124 3093.937 3233.549
Personal Exemption ($b) 375.177 382.451 403.231
Taxable Income ($b) 8367.731 9786.623 10058.039
Regular Tax ($b) 1499.234 1766.989 1844.016
AMT Income ($b) 10969.767 12478.640 12826.779
AMT Liability ($b) 0.547 1.476 0.661
AMT Filers (#m) 0.070 0.190 0.080
Tax before Credits ($b) 1499.782 1768.465 1844.677
Refundable Credits ($b) 658.339 827.135 102.136
Nonrefundable Credits ($b) 93.536 0.002 102.102
Reform Surtaxes ($b) 0.000 0.000 0.000
Other Taxes ($b) 12.575 13.851 14.353
Ind Income Tax ($b) 760.481 955.179 1654.792
Payroll Taxes ($b) 1217.941 1318.728 1421.579
Combined Liability ($b) 1978.423 2273.907 3076.371
With Income Tax <= 0 (#m) 137.590 130.020 98.740
With Combined Tax <= 0 (#m) 98.930 98.610 68.590
UBI Benefits ($b) 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total Benefits, Consumption Value ($b) 3617.042 3992.973 4069.559
Total Benefits Cost ($b) 3617.042 3992.973 4069.559

Diagnostic table for reform, including behavioral responses:

2020 2021 2022
Returns (#m) 204.480 207.080 209.660
AGI ($b) 11546.617 13141.541 13508.339
Itemizers (#m) 27.360 31.030 31.010
Itemized Deduction ($b) 741.569 857.646 876.858
Standard Deduction Filers (#m) 177.010 175.930 178.650
Standard Deduction ($b) 3082.683 3094.676 3234.022
Personal Exemption ($b) 375.177 382.451 403.231
Taxable Income ($b) 8341.362 9753.622 10023.254
Regular Tax ($b) 1487.278 1752.619 1828.723
AMT Income ($b) 10943.764 12446.237 12792.341
AMT Liability ($b) 0.547 1.475 0.654
AMT Filers (#m) 0.070 0.190 0.080
Tax before Credits ($b) 1487.825 1754.094 1829.378
Refundable Credits ($b) 658.049 827.122 101.868
Nonrefundable Credits ($b) 93.768 0.002 102.351
Reform Surtaxes ($b) 0.000 0.000 0.000
Other Taxes ($b) 12.276 13.501 14.018
Ind Income Tax ($b) 748.283 940.471 1639.177
Payroll Taxes ($b) 1217.280 1317.682 1420.462
Combined Liability ($b) 1965.563 2258.153 3059.639
With Income Tax <= 0 (#m) 137.560 130.000 98.570
With Combined Tax <= 0 (#m) 98.910 98.580 68.400
UBI Benefits ($b) 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total Benefits, Consumption Value ($b) 3617.042 3992.973 4069.559
Total Benefits Cost ($b) 3617.042 3992.973 4069.559