Implement numba JIT decorators used to speed-up the execution
of Tax-Calculator functions in the calcfunctions.py module.
# pycodestyle decorators.py
# pylint --disable=locally-disabled decorators.py
import os
import io
import ast
import inspect
import numba
from taxcalc.policy import Policy
DO_JIT = True
# One way to use the Python debugger is to do these two things:
# (a) change the line immediately above this comment from
# "DO_JIT = True" to "DO_JIT = False", and
# (b) import pdb package and call pdb.set_trace() in either the
# calculator.py or calcfunctions.py file.
def id_wrapper(*dec_args, **dec_kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
Function wrapper when numba package is not being used during debugging.
def wrap(fnc):
wrap function nested in id_wrapper function.
def wrapped_f(*args, **kwargs):
wrapped_f function nested in wrap function.
return fnc(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapped_f
return wrap
if DO_JIT is False or 'NOTAXCALCJIT' in os.environ:
JIT = id_wrapper
JIT = numba.jit
class GetReturnNode(ast.NodeVisitor):
A NodeVisitor to get the return tuple names from a calc-style function.
def visit_Return(self, node): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
visit_Return is used by NodeVisitor.visit method.
if isinstance(node.value, ast.Tuple):
return [e.id for e in node.value.elts]
return [node.value.id]
def create_apply_function_string(sigout, sigin, parameters):
Create a string for a function of the form::
def ap_fuc(x_0, x_1, x_2, ...):
for i in range(len(x_0)):
x_0[i], ... = jitted_f(x_j[i], ...)
return x_0[i], ...
where the specific args to jitted_f and the number of
values to return is determined by sigout and sigin.
sigout: iterable of the out arguments
sigin: iterable of the in arguments
parameters: iterable of which of the args (from in_args) are parameter
variables (as opposed to column records). This influences
how we construct the apply-style function
a String representing the function
fstr = io.StringIO()
total_len = len(sigout) + len(sigin)
out_args = ["x_" + str(i) for i in range(0, len(sigout))]
in_args = ["x_" + str(i) for i in range(len(sigout), total_len)]
fstr.write(f"def ap_func({','.join(out_args + in_args)}):\n")
fstr.write(" for i in range(len(x_0)):\n")
out_index = [x + "[i]" for x in out_args]
in_index = []
for arg, _var in zip(in_args, sigin):
in_index.append(arg + "[i]" if _var not in parameters else arg)
fstr.write(" " + ",".join(out_index) + " = ")
fstr.write("jitted_f(" + ",".join(in_index) + ")\n")
fstr.write(" return " + ",".join(out_args) + "\n")
return fstr.getvalue()
def create_toplevel_function_string(args_out, args_in, pm_or_pf):
Create a string for a function of the form:
def hl_func(x_0, x_1, x_2, ...):
outputs = (...) = calc_func(...)
header = [...]
return DataFrame(data, columns=header)
args_out: iterable of the out arguments
args_in: iterable of the in arguments
pm_or_pf: iterable of strings for object that holds each arg
a String representing the function
fstr = io.StringIO()
fstr.write("def hl_func(pm, pf")
fstr.write(" from pandas import DataFrame\n")
fstr.write(" import numpy as np\n")
fstr.write(" import pandas as pd\n")
fstr.write(" def get_values(x):\n")
fstr.write(" if isinstance(x, pd.Series):\n")
fstr.write(" return x.values\n")
fstr.write(" else:\n")
fstr.write(" return x\n")
fstr.write(" outputs = \\\n")
outs = []
for ppp, attr in zip(pm_or_pf, args_out + args_in):
outs.append(ppp + "." + attr + ", ")
outs = [m_or_f + "." + arg for m_or_f, arg in zip(pm_or_pf, args_out)]
fstr.write(" (" + ", ".join(outs) + ") = \\\n")
fstr.write(" " + "applied_f(")
for ppp, attr in zip(pm_or_pf, args_out + args_in):
# Bring Policy parameter values down a dimension.
if ppp == "pm":
attr += "[0]"
fstr.write("get_values(" + ppp + "." + attr + ")" + ", ")
fstr.write(" header = [")
col_headers = ["'" + out + "'" for out in args_out]
fstr.write(", ".join(col_headers))
if len(args_out) == 1:
fstr.write(" return DataFrame(data=outputs,"
fstr.write(" return DataFrame(data=np.column_stack("
return fstr.getvalue()
def make_apply_function(func, out_args, in_args, parameters,
do_jit=DO_JIT, **kwargs):
Takes a calc-style function and creates the necessary Python code for
an apply-style function. Will also jit the function if desired.
func: the calc-style function
out_args: list of out arguments for the apply-style function
in_args: list of in arguments for the apply-style function
parameters: iterable of which of the args (from in_args) are parameter
variables (as opposed to column records). This influences
how we construct the apply-style function.
do_jit: Bool, if True, jit the resulting apply-style function
apply-style function
if do_jit:
jitted_f = JIT(**kwargs)(func)
jitted_f = func
apfunc = create_apply_function_string(out_args, in_args, parameters)
func_code = compile(apfunc, "<string>", "exec")
fakeglobals = {}
eval(func_code, # pylint: disable=eval-used
{"jitted_f": jitted_f}, fakeglobals)
if do_jit:
return JIT(**kwargs)(fakeglobals['ap_func'])
return fakeglobals['ap_func']
def apply_jit(dtype_sig_out, dtype_sig_in, parameters=None, **kwargs):
Make a decorator that takes in a calc-style function, handle apply step.
if not parameters:
parameters = []
def make_wrapper(func):
make_wrapper function nested in apply_jit function.
theargs = inspect.getfullargspec(func).args
jitted_apply = make_apply_function(func, dtype_sig_out,
dtype_sig_in, parameters, **kwargs)
def wrapper(*args):
wrapper function nested in make_wrapper function.
in_arrays = []
out_arrays = []
for farg in theargs:
if hasattr(args[0], farg):
in_arrays.append(getattr(args[0], farg))
in_arrays.append(getattr(args[1], farg))
for farg in dtype_sig_out:
if hasattr(args[0], farg):
out_arrays.append(getattr(args[0], farg))
out_arrays.append(getattr(args[1], farg))
final_array = out_arrays + in_arrays
ans = jitted_apply(*final_array)
return ans
return wrapper
return make_wrapper
def iterate_jit(parameters=None, **kwargs):
Public decorator for a calc-style function (see calcfunctions.py) that
transforms the calc-style function into an apply-style function that
can be called by Calculator class methods (see calculator.py).
if not parameters:
parameters = []
def make_wrapper(func):
make_wrapper function nested in iterate_jit decorator
wraps specified func using apply_jit.
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
# Get the input arguments from the function
in_args = inspect.getfullargspec(func).args
# Get the numba.jit arguments
jit_args_list = inspect.getfullargspec(JIT).args + ['nopython']
kwargs_for_jit = {}
for key, val in kwargs.items():
if key in jit_args_list:
kwargs_for_jit[key] = val
# Any name that is a parameter
# Boolean flag is given special treatment.
# Identify those names here
param_list = Policy.parameter_list()
allowed_parameters = param_list
allowed_parameters += list(arg[1:] for arg in param_list)
additional_parameters = [arg for arg in in_args if
arg in allowed_parameters]
additional_parameters += parameters
# Remote duplicates
all_parameters = list(set(additional_parameters))
src = inspect.getsourcelines(func)[0]
# Discover the return arguments by walking
# the AST of the function
grn = GetReturnNode()
all_out_args = None
for node in ast.walk(ast.parse(''.join(src))):
all_out_args = grn.visit(node)
if all_out_args:
if not all_out_args:
raise ValueError("Can't find return statement in function!")
# Now create the apply-style possibly-jitted function
applied_jitted_f = make_apply_function(func,
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
wrapper function nested in make_wrapper function nested
in iterate_jit decorator.
# os TESTING environment only accepts string arguments
if os.getenv('TESTING') == 'True':
return func(*args, **kwargs)
in_arrays = []
pm_or_pf = []
for farg in all_out_args + in_args:
if hasattr(args[0], farg):
in_arrays.append(getattr(args[0], farg))
elif hasattr(args[1], farg):
in_arrays.append(getattr(args[1], farg))
# Create the high level function
high_level_func = create_toplevel_function_string(all_out_args,
func_code = compile(high_level_func, "<string>", "exec")
fakeglobals = {}
eval(func_code, # pylint: disable=eval-used
{"applied_f": applied_jitted_f}, fakeglobals)
high_level_fn = fakeglobals['hl_func']
ans = high_level_fn(*args, **kwargs)
return ans
return wrapper
return make_wrapper