Source code for taxcalc.utils

PUBLIC low-level utility functions for Tax-Calculator.
# pycodestyle
# pylint --disable=locally-disabled
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines

import os
import math
import json
import copy
import collections
import importlib.resources as implibres
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import bokeh.plotting as bp
from bokeh.models import PrintfTickFormatter
from taxcalc.utilsprvt import (weighted_mean,
                               wage_weighted, agi_weighted,

# Items in the DIST_TABLE_COLUMNS list below correspond to the items in the
# DIST_TABLE_LABELS list below; this correspondence allows us to use this
# labels list to map a label to the correct column in a distribution table.

DIST_VARIABLES = ['expanded_income', 'c00100', 'aftertax_income', 'standard',
                  'c04470', 'c04600', 'c04800', 'taxbc', 'c62100', 'c09600',
                  'c05800', 'surtax', 'othertaxes', 'refund', 'c07100',
                  'iitax', 'payrolltax', 'combined', 's006', 'ubi',
                  'benefit_cost_total', 'benefit_value_total', 'XTOT']


DIST_TABLE_LABELS = ['Number of Returns',
                     'Number of Returns Claiming Standard Deduction',
                     'Standard Deduction',
                     'Number of Returns Itemizing',
                     'Itemized Deduction',
                     'Personal Exemption',
                     'Taxable Income',
                     'Regular Tax',
                     'Number of Returns with AMT',
                     'Tax before Credits',
                     'Non-refundable Credits',
                     'Other Taxes',
                     'Refundable Credits',
                     'Individual Income Tax Liabilities',
                     'Payroll Tax Liabilities',
                     'Combined Payroll and Individual Income Tax Liabilities',
                     'Universal Basic Income',
                     'Total Cost of Benefits',
                     'Consumption Value of Benefits',
                     'Expanded Income',
                     'After-Tax Expanded Income']

# Items in the DIFF_TABLE_COLUMNS list below correspond to the items in the
# DIFF_TABLE_LABELS list below; this correspondence allows us to use this
# labels list to map a label to the correct column in a difference table.

DIFF_VARIABLES = ['expanded_income', 'c00100', 'aftertax_income',
                  'iitax', 'payrolltax', 'combined', 's006', 'XTOT',
                  'ubi', 'benefit_cost_total', 'benefit_value_total']


DIFF_TABLE_LABELS = ['Number of Returns',
                     'Number of Returns with Tax Cut',
                     'Percent with Tax Cut',
                     'Number of Returns with Tax Increase',
                     'Percent with Tax Increase',
                     'Average Tax Change',
                     'Total Tax Difference',
                     'Share of Overall Change',
                     'Universal Basic Income',
                     'Total Cost of Benefits',
                     'Consumption Value of Benefits',
                     '% Change in After-Tax Income']

DECILE_ROW_NAMES = ['0-10n', '0-10z', '0-10p',
                    '10-20', '20-30', '30-40', '40-50',
                    '50-60', '60-70', '70-80', '80-90', '90-100',
                    '90-95', '95-99', 'Top 1%']

STANDARD_ROW_NAMES = ['<$0K', '=$0K', '$0-10K', '$10-20K', '$20-30K',
                      '$30-40K', '$40-50K', '$50-75K', '$75-100K',
                      '$100-200K', '$200-500K', '$500-1000K', '>$1000K', 'ALL']

STANDARD_INCOME_BINS = [-9e99, -1e-9, 1e-9, 10e3, 20e3, 30e3, 40e3, 50e3,
                        75e3, 100e3, 200e3, 500e3, 1e6, 9e99]

SOI_AGI_BINS = [-9e99, 1.0, 5e3, 10e3, 15e3, 20e3, 25e3, 30e3, 40e3, 50e3,
                75e3, 100e3, 200e3, 500e3, 1e6, 1.5e6, 2e6, 5e6, 10e6, 9e99]

[docs] def unweighted_sum(dframe, col_name): """ Return unweighted sum of Pandas DataFrame col_name items. """ return dframe[col_name].sum()
[docs] def weighted_sum(dframe, col_name): """ Return weighted sum of Pandas DataFrame col_name items. """ return (dframe[col_name] * dframe['s006']).sum()
[docs] def add_quantile_table_row_variable(dframe, income_measure, num_quantiles, pop_quantiles=False, decile_details=False, weight_by_income_measure=False): """ Add a variable to specified Pandas DataFrame, dframe, that specifies the table row and is called 'table_row'. When weight_by_income_measure=False, the rows hold an equal number of people if pop_quantiles=True or an equal number of filing units if pop_quantiles=False. When weight_by_income_measure=True, the rows hold an equal number of income dollars. This function assumes that specified dframe contains columns for the specified income_measure and for sample weights, s006, and when pop_quantiles=True, number of exemptions, XTOT. . When num_quantiles is 10 and decile_details is True, the bottom decile is broken up into three subgroups (neg, zero, and pos income_measure) and the top decile is broken into three subgroups (90-95, 95-99, and top 1%). """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-positional-arguments # pylint: disable=too-many-locals assert isinstance(dframe, pd.DataFrame) assert income_measure in dframe assert 's006' in dframe if decile_details and num_quantiles != 10: msg = 'decile_details is True when num_quantiles is {}' raise ValueError(msg.format(num_quantiles)) if pop_quantiles: assert not weight_by_income_measure assert 'XTOT' in dframe # adjust income measure by square root of filing unit size adj = np.sqrt(np.where(dframe['XTOT'] == 0, 1, dframe['XTOT'])) dframe['adj_income_measure'] = np.divide(dframe[income_measure], adj) else: dframe['adj_income_measure'] = dframe[income_measure] dframe.sort_values(by='adj_income_measure', inplace=True) if weight_by_income_measure: dframe['cumsum_temp'] = np.cumsum( np.multiply(dframe[income_measure].values, dframe['s006'].values) ) min_cumsum = dframe['cumsum_temp'].values[0] else: if pop_quantiles: dframe['cumsum_temp'] = np.cumsum( np.multiply(dframe['XTOT'].values, dframe['s006'].values) ) else: dframe['cumsum_temp'] = np.cumsum( dframe['s006'].values ) min_cumsum = 0. # because s006 and XTOT values are non-negative max_cumsum = dframe['cumsum_temp'].values[-1] cumsum_range = max_cumsum - min_cumsum bin_width = cumsum_range / float(num_quantiles) bin_edges = list(min_cumsum + np.arange(0, (num_quantiles + 1)) * bin_width) bin_edges[-1] = 9e99 # raise top of last bin to include all observations bin_edges[0] = -9e99 # lower bottom of 1st bin to include all observations num_bins = num_quantiles if decile_details: assert bin_edges[1] > 1e-9 # bin_edges[1] is top of bottom decile neg_im = np.less_equal(dframe[income_measure], -1e-9) neg_wght = dframe['s006'][neg_im].sum() zer_im = np.logical_and( np.greater(dframe[income_measure], -1e-9), np.less(dframe[income_measure], 1e-9) ) zer_wght = dframe['s006'][zer_im].sum() bin_edges.insert(1, neg_wght + zer_wght) # top of zeros bin_edges.insert(1, neg_wght) # top of negatives bin_edges.insert(-1, bin_edges[-2] + 0.5 * bin_width) # top of 90-95 bin_edges.insert(-1, bin_edges[-2] + 0.4 * bin_width) # top of 95-99 num_bins += 4 labels = range(1, (num_bins + 1)) dframe['table_row'] = pd.cut(dframe['cumsum_temp'], bin_edges, right=False, labels=labels) dframe.drop('cumsum_temp', axis=1, inplace=True) return dframe
[docs] def add_income_table_row_variable(dframe, income_measure, bin_edges): """ Add a variable to specified Pandas DataFrame, dframe, that specifies the table row and is called 'table_row'. The rows are defined by the specified bin_edges function argument. Note that the bin groupings are LEFT INCLUSIVE, which means that bin_edges=[1,2,3,4] implies these three bin groupings: [1,2), [2,3), [3,4). Parameters ---------- dframe: Pandas DataFrame the object to which we are adding bins income_measure: String specifies income variable used to construct bins bin_edges: list of scalar bin edges Returns ------- dframe: Pandas DataFrame the original input plus the added 'table_row' column """ assert isinstance(dframe, pd.DataFrame) assert income_measure in dframe assert isinstance(bin_edges, list) dframe['table_row'] = pd.cut(dframe[income_measure], bin_edges, right=False) return dframe
[docs] def get_sums(dframe): """ Compute unweighted sum of items in each column of Pandas DataFrame, dframe. Returns ------- Pandas Series object containing column sums indexed by dframe column names. """ sums = {} for col in dframe.columns.values.tolist(): if col != 'table_row': sums[col] = dframe[col].sum() return pd.Series(sums, name='ALL')
[docs] def create_distribution_table(vdf, groupby, income_measure, pop_quantiles=False, scaling=True): """ Get results from vdf, sort them by expanded_income based on groupby, and return them as a table. Parameters ---------- vdf : Pandas DataFrame including columns named in DIST_TABLE_COLUMNS list for example, an object returned from the distribution_table_dataframe function in the Calculator distribution_tables method groupby : String object options for input: 'weighted_deciles' or 'standard_income_bins' or 'soi_agi_bins' determines how the rows in the resulting Pandas DataFrame are sorted income_measure: String object options for input: 'expanded_income' or 'expanded_income_baseline' determines which variable is used to sort rows pop_quantiles : boolean specifies whether or not weighted_deciles contain an equal number of people (True) or an equal number of filing units (False) scaling : boolean specifies whether or not table entry values are scaled Returns ------- distribution table as a Pandas DataFrame with DIST_TABLE_COLUMNS and groupby rows. NOTE: when groupby is 'weighted_deciles', the returned table has three extra rows containing top-decile detail consisting of statistics for the 0.90-0.95 quantile range (bottom half of top decile), for the 0.95-0.99 quantile range, and for the 0.99-1.00 quantile range (top one percent); and the returned table splits the bottom decile into filing units with negative (denoted by a 0-10n row label), zero (denoted by a 0-10z row label), and positive (denoted by a 0-10p row label) values of the specified income_measure. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-statements,too-many-branches # nested function that returns calculated column statistics as a DataFrame def stat_dataframe(gdf): """ Returns calculated distribution table column statistics derived from the specified grouped Dataframe object, gdf. """ unweighted_columns = ['count', 'count_StandardDed', 'count_ItemDed', 'count_AMT'] sdf = pd.DataFrame() for col in DIST_TABLE_COLUMNS: if col in unweighted_columns: sdf[col] = gdf.apply( unweighted_sum, col, include_groups=False ).values[:, 1] else: sdf[col] = gdf.apply( weighted_sum, col, include_groups=False ).values[:, 1] return sdf # main logic of create_distribution_table assert isinstance(vdf, pd.DataFrame) assert groupby in ('weighted_deciles', 'standard_income_bins', 'soi_agi_bins') assert income_measure in ('expanded_income', 'expanded_income_baseline') assert income_measure in vdf assert 'table_row' not in vdf if pop_quantiles: assert groupby == 'weighted_deciles' # sort the data given specified groupby and income_measure dframe = None if groupby == 'weighted_deciles': dframe = add_quantile_table_row_variable(vdf, income_measure, 10, pop_quantiles=pop_quantiles, decile_details=True) elif groupby == 'standard_income_bins': dframe = add_income_table_row_variable(vdf, income_measure, STANDARD_INCOME_BINS) elif groupby == 'soi_agi_bins': dframe = add_income_table_row_variable(vdf, income_measure, SOI_AGI_BINS) # construct grouped DataFrame gdf = dframe.groupby('table_row', observed=False, as_index=False) dist_table = stat_dataframe(gdf) del dframe['table_row'] # compute sum row sum_row = get_sums(dist_table)[dist_table.columns] # handle placement of sum_row in table if groupby == 'weighted_deciles': # compute top-decile row lenindex = len(dist_table.index) assert lenindex == 14 # rows should be indexed from 0 to 13 topdec_row = get_sums(dist_table[11:lenindex])[dist_table.columns] # move top-decile detail rows to make room for topdec_row and sum_row dist_table = dist_table.reindex(index=range(0, lenindex + 2)) dist_table.iloc[15] = dist_table.iloc[13] dist_table.iloc[14] = dist_table.iloc[12] dist_table.iloc[13] = dist_table.iloc[11] dist_table.iloc[12] = sum_row dist_table.iloc[11] = topdec_row del topdec_row else: dist_table.loc["ALL"] = sum_row del sum_row # ensure dist_table columns are in correct order assert dist_table.columns.values.tolist() == DIST_TABLE_COLUMNS # add row names to table if using weighted_deciles or standard_income_bins if groupby == 'weighted_deciles': rownames = DECILE_ROW_NAMES elif groupby == 'standard_income_bins': rownames = STANDARD_ROW_NAMES else: rownames = None if rownames: assert len(dist_table.index) == len(rownames) dist_table.index = rownames del rownames # delete intermediate Pandas DataFrame objects del gdf del dframe # scale table elements if scaling: count_vars = ['count', 'count_StandardDed', 'count_ItemDed', 'count_AMT'] for col in dist_table.columns: # if col in count_vars: # dist_table[col] = np.round(dist_table[col] * 1e-6, 2) # else: # dist_table[col] = np.round(dist_table[col] * 1e-9, 3) if col in count_vars: dist_table[col] *= 1e-6 dist_table.round({col: 2}) else: dist_table[col] *= 1e-9 dist_table.round({col: 3}) # return table as Pandas DataFrame vdf.sort_index(inplace=True) return dist_table
[docs] def create_difference_table(vdf1, vdf2, groupby, tax_to_diff, pop_quantiles=False): """ Get results from two different vdf, construct tax difference results, and return the difference statistics as a table. Parameters ---------- vdf1 : Pandas DataFrame including columns named in DIFF_VARIABLES list for example, object returned from a dataframe(DIFF_VARIABLES) call on the basesline Calculator object vdf2 : Pandas DataFrame including columns in the DIFF_VARIABLES list for example, object returned from a dataframe(DIFF_VARIABLES) call on the reform Calculator object groupby : String object options for input: 'weighted_deciles' or 'standard_income_bins' or 'soi_agi_bins' determines how the rows in the resulting Pandas DataFrame are sorted tax_to_diff : String object options for input: 'iitax', 'payrolltax', 'combined' specifies which tax to difference pop_quantiles : boolean specifies whether or not weighted_deciles contain an equal number of people (True) or an equal number of filing units (False) Returns ------- difference table as a Pandas DataFrame with DIFF_TABLE_COLUMNS and groupby rows. NOTE: when groupby is 'weighted_deciles', the returned table has three extra rows containing top-decile detail consisting of statistics for the 0.90-0.95 quantile range (bottom half of top decile), for the 0.95-0.99 quantile range, and for the 0.99-1.00 quantile range (top one percent); and the returned table splits the bottom decile into filing units with negative (denoted by a 0-10n row label), zero (denoted by a 0-10z row label), and positive (denoted by a 0-10p row label) values of the specified income_measure. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-statements,too-many-locals,too-many-branches # nested function that creates dataframe containing additive statistics def additive_stats_dataframe(gdf): """ Nested function that returns additive stats DataFrame derived from gdf """ def count_lt_zero(dframe, col_name, tolerance=-0.001): """ Return count sum of negative Pandas DataFrame col_name items. """ return dframe[dframe[col_name] < tolerance]['count'].sum() def count_gt_zero(dframe, col_name, tolerance=0.001): """ Return count sum of positive Pandas DataFrame col_name items. """ return dframe[dframe[col_name] > tolerance]['count'].sum() # start of additive_stats_dataframe code sdf = pd.DataFrame() sdf['count'] = gdf.apply( unweighted_sum, 'count', include_groups=False ).values[:, 1] sdf['tax_cut'] = gdf.apply( count_lt_zero, 'tax_diff', include_groups=False ).values[:, 1] sdf['tax_inc'] = gdf.apply( count_gt_zero, 'tax_diff', include_groups=False ).values[:, 1] sdf['tot_change'] = gdf.apply( weighted_sum, 'tax_diff', include_groups=False ).values[:, 1] sdf['ubi'] = gdf.apply( weighted_sum, 'ubi', include_groups=False ).values[:, 1] sdf['benefit_cost_total'] = gdf.apply( weighted_sum, 'benefit_cost_total', include_groups=False ).values[:, 1] sdf['benefit_value_total'] = gdf.apply( weighted_sum, 'benefit_value_total', include_groups=False ).values[:, 1] sdf['atinc1'] = gdf.apply( weighted_sum, 'atinc1', include_groups=False ).values[:, 1] sdf['atinc2'] = gdf.apply( weighted_sum, 'atinc2', include_groups=False ).values[:, 1] return sdf # main logic of create_difference_table assert groupby in ('weighted_deciles', 'standard_income_bins', 'soi_agi_bins') if pop_quantiles: assert groupby == 'weighted_deciles' assert 'expanded_income' in vdf1 assert tax_to_diff in ('iitax', 'payrolltax', 'combined') assert 'table_row' not in vdf1 assert 'table_row' not in vdf2 assert isinstance(vdf1, pd.DataFrame) assert isinstance(vdf2, pd.DataFrame) assert np.allclose(vdf1['XTOT'], vdf2['XTOT']) # check rows are the same assert np.allclose(vdf1['s006'], vdf2['s006']) # units and in same order baseline_expanded_income = 'expanded_income_baseline' df2 = copy.deepcopy(vdf2) df2[baseline_expanded_income] = vdf1['expanded_income'] df2['tax_diff'] = df2[tax_to_diff] - vdf1[tax_to_diff] for col in ['ubi', 'benefit_cost_total', 'benefit_value_total']: df2[col] = df2[col] - vdf1[col] df2['atinc1'] = vdf1['aftertax_income'] df2['atinc2'] = vdf2['aftertax_income'] # specify count variable in df2 if pop_quantiles: df2['count'] = np.multiply(df2['s006'], df2['XTOT']) else: df2['count'] = df2['s006'] # add table_row column to df2 given specified groupby and income_measure dframe = None if groupby == 'weighted_deciles': dframe = add_quantile_table_row_variable( df2, baseline_expanded_income, 10, pop_quantiles=pop_quantiles, decile_details=True) elif groupby == 'standard_income_bins': dframe = add_income_table_row_variable( df2, baseline_expanded_income, STANDARD_INCOME_BINS) elif groupby == 'soi_agi_bins': dframe = add_income_table_row_variable( df2, baseline_expanded_income, SOI_AGI_BINS) del df2 # create grouped Pandas DataFrame gdf = dframe.groupby('table_row', as_index=False, observed=False) # create additive difference table statistics from gdf diff_table = additive_stats_dataframe(gdf) # calculate additive statistics on sums row sum_row = get_sums(diff_table)[diff_table.columns] # handle placement of sum_row in table if groupby == 'weighted_deciles': # compute top-decile row lenindex = len(diff_table.index) assert lenindex == 14 # rows should be indexed from 0 to 13 topdec_row = get_sums(diff_table[11:lenindex])[diff_table.columns] # move top-decile detail rows to make room for topdec_row and sum_row diff_table = diff_table.reindex(index=range(0, lenindex + 2)) diff_table.iloc[15] = diff_table.iloc[13] diff_table.iloc[14] = diff_table.iloc[12] diff_table.iloc[13] = diff_table.iloc[11] diff_table.iloc[12] = sum_row diff_table.iloc[11] = topdec_row del topdec_row else: diff_table.loc["ALL"] = sum_row # delete intermediate Pandas DataFrame objects del gdf del dframe # compute non-additive stats in each table cell count = diff_table['count'].values diff_table['perc_cut'] = np.divide( 100 * diff_table['tax_cut'].values, count, out=np.zeros_like(diff_table['tax_cut'].values), where=count > 0) diff_table['perc_inc'] = np.divide( 100 * diff_table['tax_inc'].values, count, out=np.zeros_like(diff_table['tax_inc'].values), where=count > 0) diff_table['mean'] = np.divide( diff_table['tot_change'].values, count, out=np.zeros_like(diff_table['tot_change'].values), where=count > 0) total_change = sum_row['tot_change'] diff_table['share_of_change'] = np.divide( 100 * diff_table['tot_change'].values, total_change, out=np.zeros_like(diff_table['tot_change'].values), where=total_change > 0) quotient = np.divide( diff_table['atinc2'].values, diff_table['atinc1'].values, out=np.zeros_like(diff_table['atinc2'].values), where=diff_table['atinc1'].values != 0) diff_table['pc_aftertaxinc'] = np.where( diff_table['atinc1'].values == 0., np.nan, 100 * (quotient - 1)) # delete intermediate Pandas DataFrame objects del diff_table['atinc1'] del diff_table['atinc2'] del count del sum_row # put diff_table columns in correct order diff_table = diff_table.reindex(columns=DIFF_TABLE_COLUMNS) # add row names to table if using weighted_deciles or standard_income_bins if groupby == 'weighted_deciles': rownames = DECILE_ROW_NAMES elif groupby == 'standard_income_bins': rownames = STANDARD_ROW_NAMES else: rownames = None if rownames: assert len(diff_table.index) == len(rownames) diff_table.index = rownames del rownames # scale table elements count_vars = ['count', 'tax_cut', 'tax_inc'] scale_vars = ['tot_change', 'ubi', 'benefit_cost_total', 'benefit_value_total'] for col in diff_table.columns: if col in count_vars: diff_table[col] *= 1e-6 diff_table.round({col: 2}) elif col in scale_vars: diff_table[col] *= 1e-9 diff_table.round({col: 3}) else: diff_table.round({col: 1}) return diff_table
[docs] def create_diagnostic_table(dframe_list, year_list): """ Extract diagnostic table from list of Pandas DataFrame objects returned from a Calculator dataframe(DIST_VARIABLES) call for each year in the specified list of years. Parameters ---------- dframe_list : list of Pandas DataFrame objects containing the variables year_list : list of calendar years corresponding to the dframe_list Returns ------- Pandas DataFrame object containing the diagnostic table """ # pylint: disable=too-many-statements def diagnostic_table_odict(vdf): """ Nested function that extracts diagnostic table dictionary from the specified Pandas DataFrame object, vdf. Parameters ---------- vdf : Pandas DataFrame object containing the variables Returns ------- ordered dictionary of variable names and aggregate weighted values """ # aggregate weighted values expressed in millions or billions in_millions = 1.0e-6 in_billions = 1.0e-9 odict = collections.OrderedDict() # total number of filing units wghts = vdf['s006'] odict['Returns (#m)'] = round(wghts.sum() * in_millions, 2) # adjusted gross income agi = vdf['c00100'] odict['AGI ($b)'] = round((agi * wghts).sum() * in_billions, 3) # number of itemizers val = wghts[vdf['c04470'] > 0.].sum() odict['Itemizers (#m)'] = round(val * in_millions, 2) # itemized deduction ided1 = vdf['c04470'] * wghts val = ided1[vdf['c04470'] > 0.].sum() odict['Itemized Deduction ($b)'] = round(val * in_billions, 3) # number of standard deductions val = wghts[vdf['standard'] > 0.].sum() odict['Standard Deduction Filers (#m)'] = round(val * in_millions, 2) # standard deduction sded1 = vdf['standard'] * wghts val = sded1[vdf['standard'] > 0.].sum() odict['Standard Deduction ($b)'] = round(val * in_billions, 3) # personal exemption val = (vdf['c04600'] * wghts).sum() odict['Personal Exemption ($b)'] = round(val * in_billions, 3) # taxable income val = (vdf['c04800'] * wghts).sum() odict['Taxable Income ($b)'] = round(val * in_billions, 3) # regular tax liability val = (vdf['taxbc'] * wghts).sum() odict['Regular Tax ($b)'] = round(val * in_billions, 3) # AMT taxable income val = (vdf['c62100'] * wghts).sum() odict['AMT Income ($b)'] = round(val * in_billions, 3) # total AMT liability val = (vdf['c09600'] * wghts).sum() odict['AMT Liability ($b)'] = round(val * in_billions, 3) # number of people paying AMT val = wghts[vdf['c09600'] > 0.].sum() odict['AMT Filers (#m)'] = round(val * in_millions, 2) # tax before credits val = (vdf['c05800'] * wghts).sum() odict['Tax before Credits ($b)'] = round(val * in_billions, 3) # refundable credits val = (vdf['refund'] * wghts).sum() odict['Refundable Credits ($b)'] = round(val * in_billions, 3) # nonrefundable credits val = (vdf['c07100'] * wghts).sum() odict['Nonrefundable Credits ($b)'] = round(val * in_billions, 3) # reform surtaxes (part of federal individual income tax liability) val = (vdf['surtax'] * wghts).sum() odict['Reform Surtaxes ($b)'] = round(val * in_billions, 3) # other taxes on Form 1040 val = (vdf['othertaxes'] * wghts).sum() odict['Other Taxes ($b)'] = round(val * in_billions, 3) # federal individual income tax liability val = (vdf['iitax'] * wghts).sum() odict['Ind Income Tax ($b)'] = round(val * in_billions, 3) # OASDI+HI payroll tax liability (including employer share) val = (vdf['payrolltax'] * wghts).sum() odict['Payroll Taxes ($b)'] = round(val * in_billions, 3) # combined income and payroll tax liability val = (vdf['combined'] * wghts).sum() odict['Combined Liability ($b)'] = round(val * in_billions, 3) # number of tax units with non-positive income tax liability val = (wghts[vdf['iitax'] <= 0]).sum() odict['With Income Tax <= 0 (#m)'] = round(val * in_millions, 2) # number of tax units with non-positive combined tax liability val = (wghts[vdf['combined'] <= 0]).sum() odict['With Combined Tax <= 0 (#m)'] = round(val * in_millions, 2) # UBI benefits val = (vdf['ubi'] * wghts).sum() odict['UBI Benefits ($b)'] = round(val * in_billions, 3) # Total consumption value of benefits val = (vdf['benefit_value_total'] * wghts).sum() odict['Total Benefits, Consumption Value ($b)'] = round( val * in_billions, 3) # Total dollar cost of benefits val = (vdf['benefit_cost_total'] * wghts).sum() odict['Total Benefits Cost ($b)'] = round(val * in_billions, 3) return odict # check function arguments assert isinstance(dframe_list, list) assert dframe_list assert isinstance(year_list, list) assert year_list assert len(dframe_list) == len(year_list) assert isinstance(year_list[0], int) assert isinstance(dframe_list[0], pd.DataFrame) # construct diagnostic table tlist = [] for year, vardf in zip(year_list, dframe_list): odict = diagnostic_table_odict(vardf) ddf = pd.DataFrame(data=odict, index=[year], columns=odict.keys()) ddf = ddf.transpose() tlist.append(ddf) del odict return pd.concat(tlist, axis=1)
[docs] def mtr_graph_data(vdf, year, mars='ALL', mtr_measure='combined', mtr_variable='e00200p', alt_e00200p_text='', mtr_wrt_full_compen=False, income_measure='expanded_income', pop_quantiles=False, dollar_weighting=False): """ Prepare marginal tax rate data needed by xtr_graph_plot utility function. Parameters ---------- vdf : a Pandas DataFrame object containing variables and marginal tax rates (See Calculator.mtr_graph method for required elements of vdf.) year : integer specifies calendar year of the data in vdf mars : integer or string specifies which filing status subgroup to show in the graph - 'ALL': include all filing units in sample - 1: include only single filing units - 2: include only married-filing-jointly filing units - 3: include only married-filing-separately filing units - 4: include only head-of-household filing units mtr_measure : string specifies which marginal tax rate to show on graph's y axis - 'itax': marginal individual income tax rate - 'ptax': marginal payroll tax rate - 'combined': sum of marginal income and payroll tax rates mtr_variable : string any string in the Calculator.VALID_MTR_VARS set specifies variable to change in order to compute marginal tax rates alt_e00200p_text : string text to use in place of mtr_variable when mtr_variable is 'e00200p'; if empty string then use 'e00200p' mtr_wrt_full_compen : boolean see documentation of argument wrt_full_compensation (value has an effect only if mtr_variable is 'e00200p') income_measure : string specifies which income variable to show on the graph's x axis - 'wages': wage and salary income (e00200) - 'agi': adjusted gross income, AGI (c00100) - 'expanded_income': sum of AGI, non-taxable interest income, non-taxable social security benefits, and employer share of FICA taxes. pop_quantiles : boolean specifies whether or not quantiles contain an equal number of people (True) or an equal number of filing units (False) dollar_weighting : boolean False implies both income_measure percentiles on x axis and mtr values for each percentile on the y axis are computed without using dollar income_measure weights (just sampling weights); True implies both income_measure percentiles on x axis and mtr values for each percentile on the y axis are computed using dollar income_measure weights (in addition to sampling weights). Specifying True produces a graph x axis that shows income_measure (not filing unit) percentiles. Returns ------- dictionary object suitable for passing to xtr_graph_plot utility function """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,,too-many-positional-arguments # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches,too-many-statements # check validity of function arguments # . . check income_measure value weighting_function = weighted_mean if income_measure == 'wages': income_var = 'e00200' income_str = 'Wage' if dollar_weighting: weighting_function = wage_weighted elif income_measure == 'agi': income_var = 'c00100' income_str = 'AGI' if dollar_weighting: weighting_function = agi_weighted elif income_measure == 'expanded_income': income_var = 'expanded_income' income_str = 'Expanded-Income' if dollar_weighting: weighting_function = expanded_income_weighted else: msg = ('income_measure="{}" is neither ' '"wages", "agi", nor "expanded_income"') raise ValueError(msg.format(income_measure)) # . . check mars value if isinstance(mars, str): if mars != 'ALL': msg = 'string value of mars="{}" is not "ALL"' raise ValueError(msg.format(mars)) elif isinstance(mars, int): if mars < 1 or mars > 4: msg = 'integer mars="{}" is not in [1,4] range' raise ValueError(msg.format(mars)) else: msg = 'mars="{}" is neither a string nor an integer' raise ValueError(msg.format(mars)) # . . check mars value if mtr_variable is e00200s if mtr_variable == 'e00200s' and mars != 2: msg = 'mtr_variable == "e00200s" but mars != 2' raise ValueError(msg) # . . check mtr_measure value if mtr_measure == 'itax': mtr_str = 'Income-Tax' elif mtr_measure == 'ptax': mtr_str = 'Payroll-Tax' elif mtr_measure == 'combined': mtr_str = 'Income+Payroll-Tax' else: msg = ('mtr_measure="{}" is neither ' '"itax" nor "ptax" nor "combined"') raise ValueError(msg.format(mtr_measure)) # . . check vdf assert isinstance(vdf, pd.DataFrame) # . . check pop_quantiles and dollar_weighting if pop_quantiles: assert not dollar_weighting # create 'table_row' column given specified income_var and dollar_weighting dfx = add_quantile_table_row_variable( vdf, income_var, 100, pop_quantiles=pop_quantiles, weight_by_income_measure=dollar_weighting ) # split dfx into groups specified by 'table_row' column gdfx = dfx.groupby('table_row', observed=False, as_index=False) # apply the weighting_function to percentile-grouped mtr values mtr1_series = gdfx.apply( weighting_function, 'mtr1', include_groups=False ).values[:, 1] mtr2_series = gdfx.apply( weighting_function, 'mtr2', include_groups=False ).values[:, 1] # construct DataFrame containing the two mtr?_series lines = pd.DataFrame() lines['base'] = mtr1_series lines['reform'] = mtr2_series # construct dictionary containing merged data and auto-generated labels data = {} data['lines'] = lines if dollar_weighting: income_str = f'Dollar-weighted {income_str}' mtr_str = f'Dollar-weighted {mtr_str}' data['ylabel'] = f'{mtr_str} MTR' xlabel_str = f'Baseline {income_str} Percentile' if mars != 'ALL': xlabel_str = f'{xlabel_str} for MARS={mars}' data['xlabel'] = xlabel_str var_str = f'{mtr_variable}' if mtr_variable == 'e00200p' and alt_e00200p_text != '': var_str = f'{alt_e00200p_text}' if mtr_variable == 'e00200p' and mtr_wrt_full_compen: var_str = f'{var_str} wrt full compensation' title_str = f'Mean Marginal Tax Rate for {var_str} by Income Percentile' if mars != 'ALL': title_str = f'{title_str} for MARS={mars}' title_str = f'{title_str} for {year}' data['title'] = title_str return data
[docs] def atr_graph_data(vdf, year, mars='ALL', atr_measure='combined', pop_quantiles=False): """ Prepare average tax rate data needed by xtr_graph_plot utility function. Parameters ---------- vdf : a Pandas DataFrame object containing variables and tax liabilities (See Calculator.atr_graph method for required elements of vdf.) year : integer specifies calendar year of the data in vdf mars : integer or string specifies which filing status subgroup to show in the graph - 'ALL': include all filing units in sample - 1: include only single filing units - 2: include only married-filing-jointly filing units - 3: include only married-filing-separately filing units - 4: include only head-of-household filing units atr_measure : string specifies which average tax rate to show on graph's y axis - 'itax': average individual income tax rate - 'ptax': average payroll tax rate - 'combined': sum of average income and payroll tax rates pop_quantiles : boolean specifies whether or not quantiles contain an equal number of people (True) or an equal number of filing units (False) Returns ------- dictionary object suitable for passing to xtr_graph_plot utility function """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements # check validity of function arguments # . . check mars value if isinstance(mars, str): if mars != 'ALL': msg = 'string value of mars="{}" is not "ALL"' raise ValueError(msg.format(mars)) elif isinstance(mars, int): if mars < 1 or mars > 4: msg = 'integer mars="{}" is not in [1,4] range' raise ValueError(msg.format(mars)) else: msg = 'mars="{}" is neither a string nor an integer' raise ValueError(msg.format(mars)) # . . check atr_measure value if atr_measure == 'combined': atr_str = 'Income+Payroll-Tax' elif atr_measure == 'itax': atr_str = 'Income-Tax' elif atr_measure == 'ptax': atr_str = 'Payroll-Tax' else: msg = ('atr_measure="{}" is neither ' '"itax" nor "ptax" nor "combined"') raise ValueError(msg.format(atr_measure)) # . . check vdf object assert isinstance(vdf, pd.DataFrame) # determine last bin that contains non-positive expanded_income values weights = vdf['s006'] nonpos = np.array(vdf['expanded_income'] <= 0, dtype=bool) nonpos_frac = weights[nonpos].sum() / weights.sum() num_bins_with_nonpos = int(math.ceil(100 * nonpos_frac)) # create 'table_row' column dfx = add_quantile_table_row_variable(vdf, 'expanded_income', 100, pop_quantiles=pop_quantiles) # specify which 'table_row' are included include = [0] * num_bins_with_nonpos + [1] * (100 - num_bins_with_nonpos) included = np.array(include, dtype=bool) # split dfx into groups specified by 'table_row' column gdfx = dfx.groupby('table_row', observed=False, as_index=False) # apply weighted_mean function to percentile-grouped values avginc_series = gdfx.apply( weighted_mean, 'expanded_income', include_groups=False ).values[:, 1] avgtax1_series = gdfx.apply( weighted_mean, 'tax1', include_groups=False ).values[:, 1] avgtax2_series = gdfx.apply( weighted_mean, 'tax2', include_groups=False ).values[:, 1] # compute average tax rates for each included income percentile atr1_series = np.zeros(avginc_series.shape) atr1_series[included] = np.divide( avgtax1_series[included], avginc_series[included], out=np.zeros_like(avgtax1_series[included]), where=avginc_series[included] != 0) atr2_series = np.zeros(avginc_series.shape) atr2_series[included] = np.divide( avgtax2_series[included], avginc_series[included], out=np.zeros_like(avgtax2_series[included]), where=avginc_series[included] != 0) # construct DataFrame containing the two atr?_series lines = pd.DataFrame() lines['base'] = atr1_series lines['reform'] = atr2_series # include only percentiles with average income no less than min_avginc lines = lines[included] # construct dictionary containing plot lines and auto-generated labels data = {} data['lines'] = lines data['ylabel'] = f'{atr_str} Average Tax Rate' xlabel_str = 'Baseline Expanded-Income Percentile' if mars != 'ALL': xlabel_str = f'{xlabel_str} for MARS={mars}' data['xlabel'] = xlabel_str title_str = 'Average Tax Rate by Income Percentile' if mars != 'ALL': title_str = f'{title_str} for MARS={mars}' title_str = f'{title_str} for {year}' data['title'] = title_str return data
[docs] def xtr_graph_plot(data, width=850, height=500, xlabel='', ylabel='', title='', legendloc='bottom_right'): """ Plot marginal/average tax rate graph using data returned from either the mtr_graph_data function or the atr_graph_data function. Parameters ---------- data : dictionary object returned from ?tr_graph_data() utility function width : integer width of plot expressed in pixels height : integer height of plot expressed in pixels xlabel : string x-axis label; if '', then use label generated by ?tr_graph_data ylabel : string y-axis label; if '', then use label generated by ?tr_graph_data title : string graph title; if '', then use title generated by ?tr_graph_data legendloc : string options: 'top_right', 'top_left', 'bottom_left', 'bottom_right' specifies location of the legend in the plot Returns ------- bokeh.plotting figure object containing a raster graphics plot Notes ----- USAGE EXAMPLE:: gdata = mtr_graph_data(...) gplot = xtr_graph_plot(gdata) THEN when working interactively in a Python notebook:: OR when executing script using Python command-line interpreter:: bp.output_file('graph-name.html', title='?TR by Income Percentile') [OR WILL JUST WRITE FILE TO DISK] WILL VISUALIZE GRAPH IN BROWSER AND WRITE GRAPH TO SPECIFIED HTML FILE To convert the visualized graph into a PNG-formatted file, click on the "Save" icon on the Toolbar (located in the top-right corner of the visualized graph) and a PNG-formatted file will written to your Download directory. The ONLY output option the bokeh.plotting figure has is HTML format, which (as described above) can be converted into a PNG-formatted raster graphics file. There is no option to make the bokeh.plotting figure generate a vector graphics file such as an EPS file. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-positional-arguments if title == '': title = data['title'] fig = bp.figure(width=width, height=height, title=title) fig.title.text_font_size = '12pt' lines = data['lines'] fig.line(lines.index, lines.base, line_color='blue', line_width=3, legend_label='Baseline') fig.line(lines.index, lines.reform, line_color='red', line_width=3, legend_label='Reform'), 0, visible=False) # force zero to be included on y axis if xlabel == '': xlabel = data['xlabel'] fig.xaxis.axis_label = xlabel fig.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '12pt' fig.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_style = 'normal' if ylabel == '': ylabel = data['ylabel'] fig.yaxis.axis_label = ylabel fig.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '12pt' fig.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_style = 'normal' fig.legend.location = legendloc fig.legend.label_text_font = 'times' fig.legend.label_text_font_style = 'italic' fig.legend.label_width = 2 fig.legend.label_height = 2 fig.legend.label_standoff = 2 fig.legend.glyph_width = 14 fig.legend.glyph_height = 14 fig.legend.spacing = 5 fig.legend.padding = 5 return fig
[docs] def pch_graph_data(vdf, year, pop_quantiles=False): """ Prepare percentage change in after-tax expanded income data needed by pch_graph_plot utility function. Parameters ---------- vdf : a Pandas DataFrame object containing variables (See Calculator.pch_graph method for required elements of vdf.) year : integer specifies calendar year of the data in vdf pop_quantiles : boolean specifies whether or not quantiles contain an equal number of people (True) or an equal number of filing units (False) Returns ------- dictionary object suitable for passing to pch_graph_plot utility function """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # check validity of function arguments assert isinstance(vdf, pd.DataFrame) # determine last bin that contains non-positive expanded_income values weights = vdf['s006'] nonpos = np.array(vdf['expanded_income'] <= 0, dtype=bool) nonpos_frac = weights[nonpos].sum() / weights.sum() num_bins_with_nonpos = int(math.ceil(100 * nonpos_frac)) # create 'table_row' column dfx = add_quantile_table_row_variable(vdf, 'expanded_income', 100, pop_quantiles=pop_quantiles) # specify which 'table_row' are included include = [0] * num_bins_with_nonpos + [1] * (100 - num_bins_with_nonpos) included = np.array(include, dtype=bool) # split dfx into groups specified by 'table_row' column gdfx = dfx.groupby('table_row', observed=False, as_index=False) # apply weighted_mean function to percentile-grouped values avginc_series = gdfx.apply( weighted_mean, 'expanded_income', include_groups=False ).values[:, 1] change_series = gdfx.apply( weighted_mean, 'chg_aftinc', include_groups=False ).values[:, 1] # compute percentage change statistic each included income percentile pch_series = np.zeros(avginc_series.shape) pch_series[included] = np.divide( change_series[included], avginc_series[included], out=np.zeros_like(change_series[included]), where=avginc_series[included] != 0) # construct DataFrame containing the pch_series expressed as percent line = pd.DataFrame() line['pch'] = pch_series * 100 # include only percentiles with average income no less than min_avginc line = line[included] # construct dictionary containing plot line and auto-generated labels data = {} data['line'] = line data['ylabel'] = 'Change in After-Tax Expanded Income' data['xlabel'] = 'Baseline Expanded-Income Percentile' title_str = ('Percentage Change in After-Tax Expanded Income ' 'by Income Percentile') title_str = f'{title_str} for {year}' data['title'] = title_str return data
[docs] def pch_graph_plot(data, width=850, height=500, xlabel='', ylabel='', title=''): """ Plot percentage change in after-tax expanded income using data returned from the pch_graph_data function. Parameters ---------- data : dictionary object returned from ?tr_graph_data() utility function width : integer width of plot expressed in pixels height : integer height of plot expressed in pixels xlabel : string x-axis label; if '', then use label generated by pch_graph_data ylabel : string y-axis label; if '', then use label generated by pch_graph_data title : string graph title; if '', then use title generated by pch_graph_data Returns ------- bokeh.plotting figure object containing a raster graphics plot Notes ----- See Notes to xtr_graph_plot function. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-positional-arguments if title == '': title = data['title'] fig = bp.figure(width=width, height=height, title=title) fig.title.text_font_size = '12pt' line = data['line'] fig.line(line.index, line.pch, line_color='blue', line_width=3), 0, visible=False) # force zero to be included on y axis zero_grid_line_range = range(0, 101) zero_grid_line_height = [0] * len(zero_grid_line_range) fig.line(zero_grid_line_range, zero_grid_line_height, line_color='black', line_width=1) if xlabel == '': xlabel = data['xlabel'] fig.xaxis.axis_label = xlabel fig.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '12pt' fig.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_style = 'normal' if ylabel == '': ylabel = data['ylabel'] fig.yaxis.axis_label = ylabel fig.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '12pt' fig.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_style = 'normal' fig.yaxis[0].formatter = PrintfTickFormatter(format='%.1f')
# bokeh cannot save this fig saying: # bokeh.core.serialization.SerializationError: # can't serialize <class 'range'> # so the "return fig" statement is replaced by Python's implicit # "return None" until the above logic can be made compatible with # modern bokeh packages # return fig
[docs] def write_graph_file(figure, filename, title): """ Write HTML file named filename containing figure. The title is the text displayed in the browser tab. Parameters ---------- figure : bokeh.plotting figure object filename : string name of HTML file to which figure is written; should end in .html title : string text displayed in browser tab when HTML file is displayed in browser Returns ------- Nothing """ delete_file(filename) if figure: bp.output_file(filename=filename, title=title)
[docs] def isoelastic_utility_function(consumption, crra, cmin): """ Calculate and return utility of consumption. Parameters ---------- consumption : float consumption for a filing unit crra : non-negative float constant relative risk aversion parameter cmin : positive float consumption level below which marginal utility is assumed to be constant Returns ------- utility of consumption """ if consumption >= cmin: if crra == 1.0: return math.log(consumption) return math.pow(consumption, (1.0 - crra)) / (1.0 - crra) # else if consumption < cmin if crra == 1.0: tu_at_cmin = math.log(cmin) else: tu_at_cmin = math.pow(cmin, (1.0 - crra)) / (1.0 - crra) mu_at_cmin = math.pow(cmin, -crra) tu_at_c = tu_at_cmin + mu_at_cmin * (consumption - cmin) return tu_at_c
[docs] def expected_utility(consumption, probability, crra, cmin): """ Calculate and return expected utility of consumption. Parameters ---------- consumption : numpy array consumption for each filing unit probability : numpy array samplying probability of each filing unit crra : non-negative float constant relative risk aversion parameter of isoelastic utility function cmin : positive float consumption level below which marginal utility is assumed to be constant Returns ------- expected utility of consumption array """ utility = consumption.apply(isoelastic_utility_function, args=(crra, cmin,)) return np.inner(utility, probability)
[docs] def certainty_equivalent(exputil, crra, cmin): """ Calculate and return certainty-equivalent of exputil of consumption assuming an isoelastic utility function with crra and cmin as parameters. Parameters ---------- exputil : float expected utility value crra : non-negative float constant relative risk aversion parameter of isoelastic utility function cmin : positive float consumption level below which marginal utility is assumed to be constant Returns ------- certainty-equivalent of specified expected utility, exputil """ if crra == 1.0: tu_at_cmin = math.log(cmin) else: tu_at_cmin = math.pow(cmin, (1.0 - crra)) / (1.0 - crra) if exputil >= tu_at_cmin: if crra == 1.0: return math.exp(exputil) return math.pow((exputil * (1.0 - crra)), (1.0 / (1.0 - crra))) mu_at_cmin = math.pow(cmin, -crra) return ((exputil - tu_at_cmin) / mu_at_cmin) + cmin
[docs] def ce_aftertax_expanded_income(df1, df2, custom_params=None, require_no_agg_tax_change=True): """ Return dictionary that contains certainty-equivalent of the expected utility of after-tax expanded income computed for several constant-relative-risk-aversion parameter values for each of two Pandas DataFrame objects: df1, which represents the pre-reform situation, and df2, which represents the post-reform situation. Both DataFrame objects must contain 's006', 'combined', and 'expanded_income' columns. IMPORTANT NOTES: These normative welfare calculations are very simple. It is assumed that utility is a function of only consumption, and that consumption is equal to after-tax income. This means that any assumed responses that change work effort will not affect utility via the correpsonding change in leisure. And any saving response to changes in after-tax income do not affect consumption. The cmin value is the consumption level below which marginal utility is considered to be constant. This allows the handling of filing units with very low or even negative after-tax expanded income in the expected-utility and certainty-equivalent calculations. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # check consistency of the two DataFrame objects assert isinstance(df1, pd.DataFrame) assert isinstance(df2, pd.DataFrame) assert df1.shape == df2.shape # specify utility function parameters if custom_params: crras = custom_params['crra_list'] for crra in crras: assert crra >= 0 cmin = custom_params['cmin_value'] assert cmin > 0 else: crras = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] cmin = 1000 # compute aggregate combined tax revenue and aggregate after-tax income billion = 1.0e-9 cedict = {} cedict['tax1'] = weighted_sum(df1, 'combined') * billion cedict['tax2'] = weighted_sum(df2, 'combined') * billion if require_no_agg_tax_change: diff = cedict['tax2'] - cedict['tax1'] if abs(diff) >= 0.0005: msg = 'Aggregate taxes not equal when required_... arg is True:' msg += '\n taxes1= {:9.3f}' msg += '\n taxes2= {:9.3f}' msg += '\n txdiff= {:9.3f}' msg += ('\n(adjust _LST or other parameter to bracket txdiff=0 ' 'and then interpolate)') raise ValueError(msg.format(cedict['tax1'], cedict['tax2'], diff)) cedict['inc1'] = weighted_sum(df1, 'expanded_income') * billion cedict['inc2'] = weighted_sum(df2, 'expanded_income') * billion # calculate sample-weighted probability of each filing unit prob_raw = np.divide(df1['s006'], df1['s006'].sum()) # handle any rounding error in probability calculation prob = np.divide(prob_raw, prob_raw.sum()) # calculate after-tax income of each filing unit in df1 and df2 ati1 = df1['expanded_income'] - df1['combined'] ati2 = df2['expanded_income'] - df2['combined'] # calculate certainty-equivaluent after-tax income in df1 and df2 cedict['crra'] = crras ce1 = [] ce2 = [] for crra in crras: eu1 = expected_utility(ati1, prob, crra, cmin) ce1.append(certainty_equivalent(eu1, crra, cmin)) eu2 = expected_utility(ati2, prob, crra, cmin) ce2.append(certainty_equivalent(eu2, crra, cmin)) cedict['ceeu1'] = ce1 cedict['ceeu2'] = ce2 # ... return cedict return cedict
[docs] def read_egg_csv(fname, index_col=None): """ Read from egg the file named fname that contains CSV data and return pandas DataFrame containing the data. """ try: path_in_egg = implibres.files('taxcalc').joinpath(fname) with implibres.as_file(path_in_egg) as rname: vdf = pd.read_csv(rname, index_col=index_col) except Exception as exc: raise ValueError(f'could not read {fname} data from egg') from exc # cannot call read_egg_ function in unit tests return vdf # pragma: no cover
[docs] def read_egg_json(fname): """ Read from egg the file named fname that contains JSON data and return dictionary containing the data. """ try: path_in_egg = implibres.files('taxcalc').joinpath(fname) with implibres.as_file(path_in_egg) as rname: pdict = json.loads(rname) except Exception as exc: raise ValueError(f'could not read {fname} data from package') from exc # cannot call read_egg_ function in pytest unit tests return pdict # pragma: no cover
[docs] def delete_file(filename): """ Remove specified file if it exists. """ if os.path.isfile(filename): os.remove(filename)
[docs] def bootstrap_se_ci(data, seed, num_samples, statistic, alpha): """ Return bootstrap estimate of standard error of statistic and bootstrap estimate of 100*(1-2*alpha)% confidence interval for statistic in a dictionary along with specified seed and nun_samples (B) and alpha. """ assert isinstance(data, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(seed, int) assert isinstance(num_samples, int) assert callable(statistic) # function that computes statistic from data assert isinstance(alpha, float) bsest = {} bsest['seed'] = seed np.random.seed(seed) dlen = len(data) idx = np.random.randint(low=0, high=dlen, size=(num_samples, dlen)) samples = data[idx] stat = statistic(samples, axis=1) bsest['B'] = num_samples bsest['se'] = np.std(stat, ddof=1) stat = np.sort(stat) bsest['alpha'] = alpha bsest['cilo'] = stat[int(round(alpha * num_samples)) - 1] bsest['cihi'] = stat[int(round((1 - alpha) * num_samples)) - 1] return bsest
[docs] def json_to_dict(json_text): """ Convert specified JSON text into an ordered Python dictionary. Parameters ---------- json_text: string JSON text. Raises ------ ValueError: if json_text contains a JSON syntax error. Returns ------- dictionary: collections.OrderedDict JSON data expressed as an ordered Python dictionary. """ try: ordered_dict = json.loads(json_text, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict) except ValueError as valerr: text_lines = json_text.split('\n') msg = 'Text below contains invalid JSON:\n' msg += str(valerr) + '\n' msg += 'Above location of the first error may be approximate.\n' msg += 'The invalid JSON text is between the lines:\n' bline = ('XXXX----.----1----.----2----.----3----.----4' '----.----5----.----6----.----7') msg += bline + '\n' linenum = 0 for line in text_lines: linenum += 1 msg += f'{linenum:04d}{line}\n' msg += bline + '\n' raise ValueError(msg) from valerr return ordered_dict